

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


My team and I wanted to do something chic and recycled, so with that we came up with the idea of the star curtains, we thought, that it was so chic and fashionable, and also cheap, because it´s made with materials that are so easy to get, and cheaper.
We want to do it with the colors of the rainbow, but we also have planned to do it on 1 or 2 color too, we are just planning what are we going to make to promote this product, I have an idea of a Slogan and a Jingle, I think that this product is specially made for girls. And also we want to show how much money are we going to spend, and how much profit we are going to make if we could sell this product so it´s a little difficult but no impossible.
I think that we are making a good project, because we have already make this kind of project on other classes, so this get easier, the teamwork gets easily, because we are good team partners  and also friends, so we can communicate our ideas to each other with confidence so this makes that the project gets more funny.

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